London Lawyers' Symphony Orchestra has been a very important part of my life all the time I've been in London - I've played in it since 1994, leading it since 1999, and have been on the committee for most of that time. Although I opted out of the concert in December 2010, as I was just starting chemo (only the third concert I've missed in all those years!), since then I've been playing regularly and finding renewed pleasure in it.
As Social Secretary I organise an annual social and musical weekend away, which for some years now has been at Charney Manor, a beautiful old house in the Oxfordshire countryside. I was worried I might not be well enough to go this year, as it took place soon after I was discharged from hospital, but perhaps it was actually a good incentive to recover quickly! The weekend was very successful, with a a chamber choir as well as a small group of string players, and we had an idyllic weekend playing string quartets (and the odd duet, octet and quintet, albeit in rather unconventional arrangements!), eating wonderful home-grown food, and chilling out in the sunshine in the beautifully-kept gardens.
Playing in the barn |
Charney Manor |
Tea break on the lawn |